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leadership, teaching skills, coaching style, & workshops 

❤   You can feel confident that you have a passionate leader & educator with decades of experience  [and many years of education] leading the workshops and helping you UPLEVEL YOUR LOVE life!

Highly Recommend Erica's Coaching

Erica Tampa Love Muse3 (9).jpg

"Erica is the most understanding, compassionate, empathetic, and wise person I know. She came into my life during I time I was severely floundering due to some interpersonal relationship issues involving my family, and was able to help me look at things in a way that allowed me to go forward in life no longer stuck in the mire of frustration and sadness. I was able to examine my own place in the situation with her supportive guidance in a way that was nonthreatening and non-judgmental.

As in-tuned to emotions as Erica is, she is also extremely logical and can literally breakdown highly charged situations into “bites” that can be either savored, endured, digested, or purged, whatever your soul is needing at the time. She’s like my own personal sage who has provided wisdom and guidance as I find my way along my personal path. I highly recommend having her walk beside you as well if you’re a little lost and searching for your way to get back on your own path in this journey called life."

~ Kim, Pennsylvania

Mutual Respect

From the first time I met Erica after my show [in Branson, Missouri 2016], I was impressed with her knowledge of the relationship authors out there.


She was the first person in 15 years who identified the authors whose work I only referenced in my performance of "Happily Ever Laughter".   We became fast friends and had many conversations about the work of Dr. Pat Allen, Alison Armstrong, Dr. John Gray, the Gottmans, Dr. Harley, and more.

We spent a day with Dr. Willard Harley and his family and got to discuss his book "His Needs, Her Needs" as well as so many other relationship topics.  The Harley's were impressed with Erica, so they asked her to be a guest on their upcoming show about relationships.

I hired Erica on 3 occasions in Minnesota and California.  Each time she improved the communication, increased sales,  and/or organized the tasks from chaos.  Her strong work ethic, willingness to jump in to help people, knowledge about relationships, and her communication skills set her apart,

Assisting me on my set for the nationally televised PBS Taping of "Happily Ever Laughter" I hesitantly followed Erica's lead about how to hang my personal art and arrange the furniture  but the finished set LOOKED AMAZING.  When I saw the photos of the set, I told Erica, "You have talent!" 

~ Celebrity Comedian Dr. Yakov Smirnoff, California

Yakov Smirnoff,   Dr. Willard Harley,   
Joy Harley,   Erica Sandquist   [2016]

At the PBS Taping of Yakov's "Happily Ever Laughter" in Escondido, CA 

[That's Erica in the blue & white jacket in the back.]

Stage at the PBS Taping of Yakov's "Happily Ever Laughter"

To do this 'work' we must first look at ourselves, get brutally honest with our past, and then take radical responsibility for our reactions & responses! Until we work through our own triggers, we can never fully feel at peace with another person. It's imperative to not only learn new skills but to practice them regularly in a safe that you're ready for LOVE when you MEET that someone who totally rocks your world!

~Erica Sandquist, 

Tampa Love Muse

Highly Recommend Erica's Coaching

"Working with Erica had a long lasting impact on me. She taught me to be better organized, to be proactive in preventing issues, and to better communicate when issues did arise. To this day, I stay in contact with her and reach out for personal and professional guidance. She has been such a positive influence in both areas of my life."

~ Ryann, Hawaii

Relationship Classes and Coaching

"Over the years, I have attended several of Erica’s relationship classes and found them to be very helpful in navigating the dating world. 

Once in a relationship, Erica’s coaching helped me make good decisions and identify my unhealthy patterns. Now, at age 50, I'm in my first healthy relationship thanks to her patiently working with me to identify heathy and unhealthy patterns from attachment style.  I wholeheartedly recommend Erica for your personal growth needs!"

~ Richard, Washington

Communication Coaching 

"Erica Sandquist is a great coach!

Sign up for this program and see results this year!"

~ Mark, Seattle

Masculine - Feminine Coaching

"I wish I could carry Erica in my pocket when I talk with my boyfriend. She seems to be able to see both sides so well...she sees both the logical and emotional sides."

~ Sarah, Minnesota

Law of Attraction Coaching

"I feel so much better! My life is already going better and I'm so happy. Thank you for your coaching on the Law of Attraction and intentions!"

~ James, Washington

Getting crystal clear on what you yearn for,

acknowledging past traumas,

taking radical responsibility to your reactions/responses to triggers,

and then communicating in a loving way,

increases your likelihood of co-creating the LOVE in life you've always wanted.

[whether or not you're currently in a relationship]

This is called 'doing the work' and I believe that the work is

incredibly SATISFYING...and can be FUN too!

~Erica Sandquist, 

Tampa Love Muse

Erica Walks the Walk and Talks the Talk!

Being close friends, I know that Erica doesn't just talk the talk; she walks the walk. Before we met, I had heard that she had made great strides with bridging the emotional gap and healing the trauma (due to the childhood abuse) with her mother in the two years before her mother passed away from cancer. 


Now, as close friends, I have had the unique vantage of observing (up close and personal) a significant transformational season and experience in her life in 2019-2020.  When Erica found out that her father was dying, she lovingly stepped up to be there for him even though he lived 1300 miles away and she had a business to run. Because of the mistreatment from her dad since childhood, she could have legitimately chosen to show up in a minimal way. Instead, she helped him in a very substantial way with health matters, estate matters, and relationship matters. She put herself in harms way (from continued verbal, emotional and psychological mistreatment) while also growing in her ability to protect herself through carefully thought out, loving, effective and balanced boundaries. She was able to help her father: acknowledge the harmful patterns of his behavior (to her and others), recognize when he was in the midst of doing it again, and change his behavior! She was loving, vulnerable, and firm while she called forth the best from her father.


I also witnessed her make connections about how the dynamics that existed in her relationship with her parents were playing out in her partnerships and love relationships as an adult. We've had many discussions on "attachment styles" and how they affect our lives and drive our decisions AND how important it is to HEAL these so we can move into "secure" attachment.


Coaching oneself to greater results is a mark of a GREAT coach. Coaching others (parents) WHILE in the painful transformation, is incredibly remarkable! Because she has first hand experience with DOING the work to become emotionally healthy, she can help others do it as well. Examples of Erica's personal growth inspires me to become a better version of myself.


Erica also taught me about masculine and feminine energy.  To say I was resistant would be downplaying my opposition at the time.  But Erica was patient and after a particularly painful experience she kindly helped me unpack it and understand what had gone wrong.  Since then I've devoured everything I can on the subject and I understand my new happy and healthy relationship at a deeper level.

Kristi, Washington

This photo shows how close Erica and her mother became using the relationship tools and strategies Erica learned in therapy and by completing TWO coaching programs [one on relationships and one on coaching the Law of Attraction]. 


After two years of intentional "work" while dealing with the devastating effects of pancreatic cancer and Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, they finally got the relationship they both always longed for...right before Mary Anne passed away.


Mary Anne and her daughter Erica

Sunday, March 16, 2014


Erica and her mom, Mary Anne

Sunday, March 13, 2016

I believe that "the MAGIC of LOVE"takes work!

So let's support each other & make "the work" fun, fun, FUN!

BEFORE the relationship---> learn & practice new communication/relationship skills so you're ready when you meet someone awesome

DURING the relationship---> use your new skills as you work through things [together and/or separately] in a healthy way

AFTER the relationship---> process with support so you can learn from that relationship, heal, and do better next time

~Erica Sandquist, 

Tampa Love Muse

Teaching Skills

"It was my pleasure to teach with Erica at two different schools in Saint Paul, Minnesota. She has many strengths, but I would list being able to communicate with others as one of her greatest abilities. 

 Both of the schools we taught in were inner-city and she was able to connect and help every student that had the good fortune to be in her classroom. She is a rare individual and able to connect and verbally communicate what she has learned and pass it on to others at the highest level!  

Her students, their parents and the staff all loved her.  All her students loved her classroom with curtains she made, lamps for indirect lighting, pillows, learning centers, and a classroom library of over 3,000 books!  The kids loved her classroom and learned so much with her as their teacher.

I've worked with many teachers over the decades, but Erica stands out as one of the very best I've seen...and I met her in her fist years in teaching.  I'm sure she's improved even more since then!

My wife and I also got to see Erica working with Yakov Smirnoff.  That was a kick!"

~ Tony, 

St. Paul Public Schools


Teaching Skills

"As a Curriculum Specialist, I had the opportunity to work with Erica for two years. Erica is an excellent teacher. Her dedication, hard work, knowledge and ability to work with the most challenging of learners are outstanding.

Erica is well respected among her peers for her excellent classroom management and ability to connect with children that have been challenging to other teachers in the building. She has excellent ideas and works hard to implement them to the highest standard. She is willing to learn new ideas and works hard to implement them effectively. I give my recommendation of Erica."

~ Julie Johnson, 

Curriculum Specialist

St. Paul Public Schools


Teaching Skills

"It is with great enthusiasm and ease that I endorse Erica. I have known Erica as a 4th and 5th grade teacher in St. Paul, Minnesota. I was a counselor for Project KOFI, a culturally specific program serving African-American boys who are experiencing serious difficulty in school, personal relationships or other areas of their lives. In the past school year I had the opportunity to work with several boys in Erica's class since the fall of 1999.

I believe that one of Erica's greatest strengths is her ability to build positive relationships with the students whom she teaches. She has shown strong interest in and caring for each of the students in her class. She is skilled at classroom management and helping her students learn how to think through difficult situations and make positive choices for themselves. This, in addition to her ability to teach curriculum, is an important component in teaching children that come from various cultures, learning styles, and socio-economic backgrounds."

~ Scott Klein, 

KOFI Counselor


Teaching Skills

"I had the honor of working with Erica on a daily basis. As a 4th grade ELL teacher, I have team taught and collaborated with Erica every day for two years. Her gifts of true caring, organization and the quality of her instruction in a difficult urban environment makes her an excellent teacher.

Over the course of a year, I watched her students grow into responsive, independent learners. Her rapport and genuine love of students have created a caring, cooperative and supportive environment for student learning. During the week students engage in hands-on, standards based instruction. Instead of filling out worksheets, students are creating projects that show relevance to the instruction and their lives.

I saw Erica take an active roll in the lives of students at our school. She connects with parents and communicates both the challenges and successes of their child. This connection creates a vital link between parent, teacher, and child. Students who have walked into her class in September behind academically and emotionally unstable find stability in the classroom. Students leave her class with self-confidence and academic readiness.

On a personal level, I have worked as a teaching partner with Erica every day. It has been a joy to plan lessons and teach with her. Erica's creativity, sense of humor and organization are natural qualities that make our team teaching so effortless.

Students, parents and teachers at our school respect Erica as a caring, hard-working individual. She has years of experience working with children in a difficult environment, an excellent relationship with students, and a gifted ability as a teacher."

~ Joe Sandkamp, ESL/ELL Teacher 

St. Paul Public Schools


Teaching Skills

"I have known Erica since September 1998, and have observed her both in the classroom, and in her associations with staff and parents.

Erica is a visionary teacher with a great feeling for the future. She works very well with others, being able to quickly establish clear and open lines of communication and welcomes the challenge of team building. Erica also has a strong dedication to kids and to the education process, showing a particular talent in her ability to find problems and solutions when alternatives, information and objections are unclear.

While constantly striving to maximize the performance of all, she thinks in terms of "do's" rather than in terms of "don'ts". It is my sincerely belief that selecting Erica as a staff member would result in improved learning for all students. She is a true professional."

~ Lance Twedt, 

Assistant Principal [at that time]

St. Paul Public Schools, Minnesota

Teaching Skills

"Ms. Sandquist was hired as a substitute teacher in February 1997 and taught in our school [Boys Totem Town--Security Unit] through May 1997. During that period, she taught a varied group of students. The age range was from 10-17 years. All of these students were working below grade level and had defined learning disabilities. In addition, many of these students had behavior problems at their home schools. As challenging a group as this was, Ms. Sandquist did an outstanding job in managing her classroom and creating a positive learning environment. She was not reluctant to confront disruptive behavior and her expectations for her students were firm and consistent.

Ms. Sandquist developed positive working relationships with her colleagues in the school program, and with the facility staff. She was a positive influence on the entire program. I would, without reservation, recommend Ms. Sandquist. She is a quality person and teacher, and will only improve with experience and time.

~ Stan Suchta, 

Supervisor @ BTT Security Unit [at that time]

St. Paul Public Schools, Minnesota

Why wait?  Wait for what . . . more pain and loneliness?

NOW is always the perfect time to love, learn, and grow! 

~Erica Sandquist, 

Tampa Love Muse

Educational Events

"Erica is fantastic at making you feel welcome in a room. Her topics are easy to broach and thought provoking. To hear others' perspectives on life and looking for answers. Thank you, Erica, for holding these ROUND TABLE TALKS.."

~ AJ, Spokane


Educational Events

Working with Erica has changed my outlook on dating! I no longer dread it - I actually look forward to being in a relationship while still enjoying being single!

~ Jane, Spokane

Educational Events 

"Fun, informative and easy conversation. Erica is very easy to talk with and speaks an open mind/dialogue. Very comfortable environment provided."

~ Marnie, Spokane


Educational Events

Erica is engaging and has a wonderful ability of bringing a group of people together. She makes you feel comfortable. She is well prepared and I always take away important information that will help me grow.

~ Steven, Spokane


Educational Events

"It was fun and informative. Erica was easy and engaging with great perspective and group participation."

~Robert, Spokane


Educational Events 

"Erica's approach sheds perspective and light on relationship theory in a real and slightly vulnerable way. It's nice to chat with others regarding intimacy and relationships."

~ Stephanie, Spokane


All results in your life start in your mind. Using your brain to manage your mind can be challenging and that's where a coach can come in and make all the difference. All of the most successful people I know get coaching regularly.

-Brooke Castillo 

Singles Events

"Online dating can feel very sterile and evaluative. I never got a good sense of who people were from a profile. Just a checklist of interests that were always very similar to each other. I felt like I was sorting through stacks of resumes that told me less about a person than an actual resume would.

[Erica's event] Speed Dating Spokane felt warm and personal. People were all incredibly welcoming .Everybody I met was a joy to chat with and I got a sense of their personality right away . There wasn't an internet to get in the way and hide who a person was . I quickly earned about their values, their sense of humor, how they treat people, all things you just don't get from a profile. Even at events where I didn't meet somebody special, I had a great time, and left with some new friends.

When I met A, we knew right away that this was going to be a great thing for us. We had instant chemistry and wound up spending the whole night talking together. It wasn't just a list of common interests or a personality test that brought us together. It was the way we played the game of conversation. We could react and interact, and that made a huge difference in getting to know each other. We could see how well we fit together right away. Now we've been together for eight months and we couldn't be happier."

~ Carlos, Spokane

 [❤ update: they are married now]

Singles Events

"Thank you so much for doing this for us!  I don't go to the bars and so it's hard to meet new people to date."

~ Tim, Washington

Speed Dating Event

Singles Events 

"I made 2 of my friends come with me and we had a BLAST. Dancing afterwards with men we had already met was fun too! The pressure was off and we could just have fun."

~ Sarah, Spokane

Speed Dating Event

Singles Events

"I'm an introvert. Getting out with Erica's Singles Meet Market group makes it easy to meet people and get out of my comfort zone in a SAFE and easy way!"

~ Greg, Florida

 Singles Events

Singles Events 

"I'm hoping to connect with at least 2 of the men I met here.  I had a good time talking and 5 minutes seemed to ZIP by so fast."

~ Suzy, Spokane

Speed Dating Event

Singles Events

"I had been to only one previous one  [speed dating event] and did know a couple of my friends would be there. I left a gathering and decided last minute to go!! Then I met Jeff. 

 I felt so comfortable going on the date with him two days later because we had already met. I knew there was a spark. We literally shut the place down talking forever. We talk about how we almost didn't go!!!! Online dates can take forever just to meet then you are let down after talking forever! We need you!"

~ Tami, Spokane

Speed Dating Events

Singles Events

"This is AMAZING. I had a GREAT time!

~ Adam, Spokane

Speed Dating Events

Singles Events 

"I had a good friend ( a gal ) who persuaded me to go. 'Go. It will be fun!' she told me. I really wasn’t sure if I wanted to go. But then I met Tami. What if I didn’t go?"

~ Jeff, Spokane

Speed Dating Events

call or text 24/7:




Serving the Greater Tampa Florida area including but not limited to: Brandon, Clearwater, Carrollwood, Dunedin, Lutz, New Tampa, St. Petersburg. Tampa, Tarpon Springs, Wesley Chapel, West Chase

FLORIDA COUNTIES: Pasco, Hillsborough, and Pinellas

 L♡VE     ♥     PERSONAL GROWTH          EDUCATION     ♥     FUN     ♥     GRATITUDE     ♥     AUTHENTICITY          INTREGITY     ♥     OPENNESS      ♥     INTENTIONALITY

© 2021 The Love Relationshop, LLC

mailing address only: 218 E Bearss Ave, #424, Tampa, Florida 33613

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