"Fine tune" your relationships to get them running at "peak performance"!
Greater Tampa Bay Area, Florida
Does this sound like your marriage?
❤ Is your marriage what you expected? Wanted?!
If so, GREAT! You'll have a ton of fun together with our events.
If not, that's OK, too, because we're here to help you both get your relationship where you want it.

You love each other. You've committed to each other. You've been together for awhile now. You're grateful and you know you're blessed. Unfortunately your relationship has also kind of plateaued. While your love and commitment is still there, it's getting kind of stale, predictable, . . . and maybe even BORING.
[GASP! How can I admit this?!]
Life has taught you a lot. Some were good/fun lessons and others were painful. You feel like even though you're the same person, you've also changed over the years so you're very different. If you're different, so is your partner. Do you still REALLY understand each other anymore? Do you still GET each other like you did when you were falling in love? Do you feel heard?
Is your relationship everything you wanted and thought it would be when you got married?
Date Night [if it even happens] isn't common and usually consists of dinner out at one of your usual restaurants. Or maybe you see a movie together at the theater . . . or just on the couch. Then maybe [if you're both not too tired] you head into the bedroom for a little love making before falling asleep.
You talk about the same things.
You order the same things.
You DO the same things.
You wonder, "Where is the mystery? Playfulness? Romance? Intimacy? Affection?"
Did I give up all that for stability, predictability, and safety?
Are we going to keep doing the same things for the next 10, 20, 30+ years together?"

We are told from the beginning that relationships take WORK.
And that staying together in a HAPPY, HEALTHY relationship is far BETTER than DIVORCE!*
Buuuuuut what does "WORK in a relationship" even LOOK like?
Honestly, sometimes it's "work" to bite your tongue
Or it's work to not walk out the door when you're angry and frustrated.
And if you don't do this "work," will your connection keep fading?
If your connection keeps fading, is it worth staying?
You BOTH NEED connection. How do you keep it and grow it?
It's time to admit that your relationship would use some time and effort...and SUPPORT. Please.

Sooooo now that we agree that "RELATIONSHIP WORK" is absolutely VITAL
to keeping your relationship alive for the next 10, 20, 30+ years,
which one of you is responsible for creating meaningful moments together?!
Who has the time and imagination to create memory-making dates every single month?!
And who wants to research the best relationship & communication practices out there
by reading new books, watching videos, and scouring new products
every week finding "just the right ones" for growth and positive development?
And then make the date FUN too?
AND romantic?
We DO! We L♡VE this stuff!
Annnnnd . . . we have an extraordinary solution for you!
Based on all the great relationship research out there, the creator of The Love Relationshop believes that "the work" CAN look like romance, FUN, and interactive education to co-create more play, stronger LOVE, & deeper INTIMACY together as partners! These are just SKILLS, habits, and behaviors that we can PRACTICE and fine tune to our individual wants and needs. Anything new just feels awkward at first...and that's when most people give up . . . before it feels natural.
We believe that couples [who have FUN, reliable resources, interactive activities, and support on a regular basis] can GROW their relationships . . . so they are happy to keep staying together! In fact, they are falling in love with each other all over again...including BUTTERFLIES! [How long has it been since you've been EXCITED??}

Through our interactive dates, workshops, classes, mini-lessons, and book shares, we help YOU paint a picture of what an emotionally healthy relationship looks like, sounds like, and FEELS like specifically for you and your sweetheart. Then by "fine turning" choices in your relationship you'll have the ROAD MAP to get there!
We create & orchestrate great dates for couples so you and your sweetheart focus on each other AND really learn about each other at this age and stage in life. . . at a much deeper rate than you can do by yourselves! You'll UPLEVEL YOUR RELATIONSHIP TOGETHERso you can fall in love all over again! Your relationship gets all the benefits of an amazing date [PLUS education & coaching] without all the stress of planning . . . to make it BETTER, EASIER, SEXIER, PLUS MORE FUN & INTIMATE!
Join us to UPLEVEL your "couple skills" to become EVEN BETTER partners for each other . . . so that the next 10, 20, 30+ years are incredible! Annnnd . . . just maybe . . . by doing this series,
Why? Because you'll have it all:
the past love, the present love, AND the future love TOGETHER!
You got this because we "got your back", BABY! ;)