"Fine tune" your relationships to get them running at "peak performance"!
Greater Tampa Bay Area, Florida
❤Authors ❤Coaches ❤Counselors ❤Therapists
❤ With teamwork, we're able to serve mutual clients EVEN BETTER! Whether you want to refer clients to us, want referrals, be on our website, be a volunteer, a guest speaker, a sponsor, a vendor or an attendee, we are creating WiN WiN WiN situations for other local businesses, our attendees, and ourselves! Let's have fun and do good things TOGETHER!
We need a HUGE variety of businesses
[including epic education with relationships & communication skills classes]
annnnd create lasting change by having referral partnerships
with additional great resources from authors, coaches, counselors, & therapists!
Check out this page for more info,
fill out the form below, OR
❤ call or text 24/7: 813-SEE-LOVE 813-733-5683
❤ call or text 24/7: 941-208-2818
[*in the greater Tampa Bay area OR if you can come to us!]
If YOU are a coach, counselor, therapist, and/or an author call us ASAP! We LOVE collaborating & helping grow other small businesses ... including mental health specialists!
We're always on the LOOK OUT for and interviewing TAMPA* area businesses, authors, life or health coaches, speakers, and therapists who want to SHOWCASE their products, books, and/or services for our singles and couples workshops/events.
I'm looking for therapists I can refer those wanting/needing therapy in addition to our services. And since I can't possibly keep up with the demand of all the people wanting/needing coaching,
The Love Relationshop is building a referral community of coaches and therapists [in specific relationship niches] to work with our mutual clients to help them achieve their LOVE & LIFE GOALS. These are all independent businesses themselves. An essential part of our business plan is to help other small businesses grow along with our clients...and us too!
IF you are a coach, counselor, or therapist wanting referrals from us, please fill out the form or TEXT/CALL us 24/7 to learn a bit more and then we can start the interview process when you're ready. As you know, we need to be a good fit.
We'd join together in what is called "joint ventures" where we create WIN-WIN-WIN scenarios [you, us, your clients/customers, annnnnd our clients].
In this way, we can support each other's businesses and grow together.